
04 October 2014

Technology Advanced Technology of Intel Core i processor Latest

The processor is the most important part of the PC (personal computer), which controls all components of a computer or can be called with a computer brain. Without a computer processor which can not function as a function of the computer itself.
Technological developments in the world of computer processors very quickly that the biggest companies competing processors to satisfy consumer desires. Intel is a processor company founded in California on July 18, 1968 by Gordon More, Robert Noyce, and Andrew Grove.

Intel Core i7 Technology-advanced technology latest Intel Core i processors
Technology Development of Advanced Technology latest Intel Core i processors. At this time many computers or notebooks that use Intel processors have started using Intel Core i family of Core i3, Core i5, Core i7. The third type is the replacement of the previous version of the Core 2 Core 2 itself, Core2 Duo, Core2 Quad.
All Intel processors with Core name I built with technology in Nahalem call, Nahalem is the name of the intel architecture code mocriprosessor, this architecture offers higher performance with much better power control.


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